Wednesday, October 21, 2009

35 3/7 weeks

I can't believe we have made it this far and are still going strong!! We had our doctor's appointment yesterday and all is well. The babies' non-stress test looked "textbook" according to the L&D nurse, which makes me extremely happy! Trisha has gained 40 lbs and was measuring 42 weeks. The babies are very active and also both remain breech. : ( We scheduled a c-section for Monday, November 9th, but don't think we will make it until then. Trisha is definitely ready for them to be born and anything we get past now is just cake! If they were born today, most likely they would not require any NICU time. Not much else to report. We will continue to have bi-weekly non-stress tests and will start having doctor's appointments weekly from now on. Our next appointment is Tuesday and then we will have an ultrasound the following Friday. Nate is coming back to Kansas City on Friday, October 30th and will stay until the babies are born or we have the c-section.  So, I told Trisha she has to keep the babies in at least 9 more days and then she is free to deliver anytime after that! Needless to say, I think she gave me a dirty look! : ) No, just kidding!  Here is the belly on Sunday at 35 weeks.