Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5 Months Old

The twins are now 5 months old and doing great! They are growing so fast, which makes me sad that time is flying by.  We went to Nate's parents house for Easter and were able to get some great pictures with his Dad's camera.  We just ordered a brand new Canon Rebel, so hopefully we will have more pictures to post soon.  Don't have much time to update now, but thought I'd at least post the pictures!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time Flies

The babies are now almost 4 months old and doing wonderfully. I can't believe how fast they are growing! They are so much more interactive now and I am falling more in love with them everyday. Their cute smiles and coos melt my heart!

In other news, I went to a neonatal conference last week and while I was so happy to see them when I came home, being back in the environment of medicine made me realize that I really miss my career and I think I will be ready to go back to work sooner rather than later. While I don't ever take the babies for granted, I will say that being a stay-at-home Mom to twins is a million times harder than I ever expected.  Last week made me realize that I need that away time to fully appreciate the time I spend with them.  

Nothing else new to report. The snow here is ridiculous and frankly I am sick of it! I hate cold weather and am ready for spring to come! Anyway, enough complaining about that!  Here is a slide show of pictures that our friend Jeremy took of the twins a few weeks ago, aren't they adorable!!!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Finally More Photos!

Okay, so I am a day late, but better late than never! So things around here have been quite busy with our two little ones. They seem to be more interactive every day. Both babies love to smile at us and coo to get our attention.  They love their mobiles and playing at night on their activity mat that has lots of cool things for them to look at. 

We had our 2 month check up last week (the babies were 10 weeks old) and both babies are catching up on their growth curves wonderfully! Cooper weighed in at 10 lbs 14 oz, which puts him in the 25-50th% for weight (he was 10th% at birth), and he is 23 1/4 inches long (50th%). His reflux is much better on Prevacid and he seems to be catching up to his sister.  Isabella, however, still remains the chunkier of the two. She weighed in at 11 lbs 2 oz, which is 50th% for weight (she was 3rd% at birth!), and 22 1/4 inches long (25-50th%).  They got 4 immunizations each and while Cooper was quite brave, Isabella turned bright red and cried real tears! : ( I medicated them with Tylenol prophylactically around the clock for 24 hrs and thankfully neither had fever or were even fussier than normal.  Yay!

We are beginning to get our routine down now and while they are both pretty fussy in the evenings, usually we have them bathed, fed and in bed by 9:30 or 10:00 p.m.  Cooper is a great sleeper and falls asleep right after his feed and we are able to put him right down in his crib with his pacifier. Isabella, on the other hand, fights sleep to the bitter end. We spend lots of time at her bedside trying to soothe her and putting her pacifier back in until she falls asleep. Hopefully, she will be a better sleeper soon! Both babies usually sleep until 3 or 4 a.m. and after their feed Cooper goes right back to sleep, but Isabella sometimes thinks it's playtime.  The only way to get her back to sleep is to bring her in our bed, which, of course, then she falls asleep right away! : ( We try not to do it too often, but sometimes after 1-2 hrs of fighting with her we give in, hopefully, this won't come back to bite us in the butt!

On Thursday, we are going to Chicago to spend the weekend with our friends Jeanette, Jeremy and their adorable son Ethan.  We are so excited and looking forward to Ethan's 2nd birthday party on Saturday.  Jeremy just bought and awesome new camera and is going to take some pictures of us and the babies this weekend, so I promise to post them next week. In the meantime, here are some photos from the past few weeks.

Cooper and Isabella in their Christmas pajamas that my friend Terri got for them

Isabella sleeping

Isabella enjoying playtime

Isabella loves the giraffe that her Uncle Nic got for them!

Cooper likes to look at himself in the mirror, just like his Daddy! : )

My smiley girl!

Cooper showimg off his toothless grin


Aren't they sweet? It's no wonder why we love them so much!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

More Hours Please!

So sorry I haven't updated the blog lately, but these two little peanuts have been keeping Mommy very busy and there just aren't enough hours in the day! Especially since Daddy was out of town 4 days this week! I promise to update the blog tomorrow with new pictures and our latest 10 week doctor's appointment stats.  Oh, and I also plan to blog about all of the stupid things people say to us on a daily basis about twins. You won't believe it!  Stay tuned!!