Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Shower Photos

Here are some photos from our baby shower in  Chicago.  My two very best friends and our Moms gave the shower for us and we had a great time! I have to admit it was a bit surreal being at my own baby shower, having attended so many others in the past 4 years. I guess sometimes it is still hard to believe that this is actually happening. Anyway, we had a great time and got tons of wonderful gifts!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today we had our OB appointment and everything looked great!! The babies are growing wonderfully! Trisha is now 21 3/7 weeks pregnant and is really starting to show. She looks so cute with her little belly!! The babies are moving a ton, but they always seem to be sleeping when I'm around so I haven't been able to feel them yet. Today, he (twin A) weighed 448 gms (1 lb) and is about 12 inches long and she (twin B) was 467 gms (1 lb) and is about 11 inches long. Trisha has gained about 17 lbs so far and is measuring at 28 weeks. Per the OB, the twins' weights are at about the 50th percentile, which is perfect. They are measuring at 22 0/7 weeks, which is 4 days ahead of schedule. Trisha is feeling great and the pregnancy is going along smoothly, so we couldn't ask for anything more. We are just taking things one day at a time, that's all we can do.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Belly Pics!!

Here are Trisha's belly shots throughout the pregnancy so far. I have been updating them weekly and will continue to do so until the babies deliver. She has been so wonderful for posing for me every week and sending them to me when I am not there.  It is so exciting to see the progress because I know that means that the babies are growing!!